Monday, August 27, 2012

The Dress, the Shoes, the Jewelry

Article Published in Debzcher Blogazine :

 Weddings are a big deal for women. Not just for the bride and her bridesmaids, but for every other invited woman as well. When a colleague of mine announced his May wedding in January, a lot of us girls started planning our outfits the same day. We all agreed upon wearing different color dresses, discussed shoes and jewelry and all that kind of stuff months before the big day. One of the girls almost got a beat down from the rest of us when she said that she didn't understand the big fuzz we were all making about this and I quote her: "Why are you girls spending so much time and money on what to wear? It's not your wedding!" It may be the wedding day of one girl, but you can't show up at a wedding looking like you are going grocery shopping.
The first thing you think about when you receive a wedding invitation is "What am I going to wear???" No girls, there is no use denying it. You rush to your closet first to check if there is anything there that would do, but being a girl myself, I know that 90% of the time you wouldn't like anything in there for the occasion. The second thing is checking how much time there is to look for the perfect outfit. A dress or pants? Let's say you decide on wearing a dress. Should it be short or long, tight or loose? What color? (White is usually reserved for the bride and if you are not a bridesmaid, don't wear the same color as them, unless there is a dress code). Dress shopping can be such a nightmare, especially if you don't have much time on your hands, and you don't have an easy size. Finding something nice to wear can be even harder for Plus-size women like me. There are a few shops that specialize in plus-size clothing, but even then I mostly don’t find much that I like. I’m not the kind of girl who is into big flowers and printed fabrics … the things most shops seem to focus on when it comes to the bigger sizes. I like plain fabrics that I can adorn with any kind of accessory in various colors. I am lucky to have an awesome dressmaker, which cuts shopping time in half when it comes to getting ready for an event.
Also popular are the many online clothing businesses that seem to be popping up all over the place, mostly focusing on getting customers through social media. Online shopping helps a lot in cutting back on shopping time, if you have at least 2 weeks before your event.
After the dress it's the shoes. Going with a black shoe is always the safest, but unlike popular belief, a black shoe doesn't go with everything (my humble opinion). Of course high heels are always beautiful under a dress (my opinion again ... Anything under 4" doesn't qualify as a high heel for me), but these shoes tend to hurt if you need to stand too long. Nice dress shoes can be found at the now popular shoes stores locally, or through online shopping where you can find very exclusive shoes at affordable prices.
When you have finally found the perfect shoe for your dress it is now time for accessories. What kind of jewelry fits best with my clothes ... Gold, silver or a color? Big and bulky or small and subtle? Should it be a matching set or just pieces of everything? Do I have anything that would fit, or is this going to cost me another day of shopping? Finding nice jewelry to compliment your outfit could be a tough job, but what I usually do is bring my dress along when I go shopping for accessories. It makes it easier and saves you from buying something that doesn’t really fit in the end.

It used to be very hard to find good and exclusive dresses, shoes and accessories here. Nobody wants to arrive at a wedding and see someone else in the exact same outfit. Luckily there are some exclusive shops like Max & Co and Chica Amirah where the people know about fashion and know how to put together a nice outfit  and compliment it with the perfect accessories so you look awesome every time.   

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